Attracting More Talent to Penang
Penang hopes to be a regional economic hub for northern Malaysia, southern Thailand and northern Sumatra by 2022. The northern island state in Malaysia is hoping to attract 150,000 talents in several sectors.
The focus is going to be on nurturing and attracting a larger talent pool to help Penang grow into the regional economic hub that it has the potential to become.
A Growth Centre for Thailand and Sumatra
Given its strategic location, Penang is in a prime position to serve as an import and export growth centre for Sumatra and Thailand. It already has links in place, like InvestPenang which is a team that has been set up specifically to focus on promoting Penang and on talent acquisition. The theme of the promotion is “My Penang, My Workplace.”
The team will be supporting programmes that include job matches and upskilling programmes. Penang is hoping to attract a greater talent pool in the fields of arts and services besides manufacturing.
The focus on turning Penang into an economic hub means the state is going to focus on attracting both international and local talent pool from other states. Nurturing talent and attracting investments worth RM5 billion is going to be Penang’s priority for 2021.