Workplace Guide & SOP For Resuming Work & Business Operations After Malaysia MCO
A Guide to SOP Required at the Work Place Once Operations Resume after MCO
The Government has given the go-ahead for most businesses to resume work on 4 May 2020. They will need to abide by the Guide for Work Place and SOP procedures for resuming work in Malaysia after MCO. This article will provide more information about Workplace Guide And SOP For Resuming Work And Business Operations After Malaysia MCO.
The official announcement was made on 1 May (Labour Day). Almost all businesses and industries can re-open. However, they must abide by the SOP that the authorities have enforced and the guidelines given by the World Health Organisation.
Large gatherings are still not permitted. Any activities or gatherings that make social distancing difficult are strictly off-limits, per the Prime Minister. Conferences, theme parks, exhibitions, Ramadan bazaars and karaoke, for example, are prohibited.
The Prime Minister recognises that there is still a risk involved of a new wave of cases, despite the dropping number of cases. The government must achieve a balance between trying to control the virus and economic recovery. Countries that have lifted the movement restrictions have noted a spike in cases.
These standard operating procedures are there to ensure all aspects of health and safety are given the utmost priority. It is also meant to lower the risk to the public and business premises while maintaining ensuring the health sector will not be severely affected.
Guide for Work Place and SOP
Among the Guide for Work Place and SOP Procedures to resuming work in Malaysia include wearing facemasks and social distancing. Other SOP procedures applicable to work environments include:
- Employees must stay home or notify an administrator when feeling unwell
- Should an employee develop symptoms on the job, they must avoid contact with other employees. They must inform their supervisor immediately.
- Telecommuting should be encouraged where feasible
- Implementing a no handshake policy
- Implement staggered work schedules
- Onsite workers must maintain a physical space of 1 metre apart
- In-person meetings must be limited. If they are unavoidable, they must be kept short
- Encourage employees to eat at their desks
- Do not congregate in certain areas of the workplace and photocopier rooms
- No non-essential work travel
- No non-related work gatherings
- No work-related gatherings (meetings, work functions, any activities after work)
Employers are required to carry out the following measures:
- Communicate with employees about COVID-19.
- Advice employees to maintain good hygiene etiquette
- Send communication reminders about enforcing good hygiene practices
- Provide updates regularly pertaining to the COVID-19 situation. This includes providing educational material
- Supervisors must monitor employees for symptoms.
- Encourage employees to conduct regular temperature checks
- Where possible, a travel history declaration should be obtained from employees
- Relieve any staff who are sick
- Encourage staff to wear surgical masks if they develop any symptoms
- Avoid contact with other employees if they develop any symptoms
- Conduct appropriate measures to minimise stress among employees
- Conduct mental health assessments for staff
- Monitor absenteeism and sick leave among staff members
Employees returning to work are advised to adhere to the following:
- Maintain good personal hygiene always
- Consider eating meals at your desks
- Limit the sharing and handling of food at work
- Monitor and stay updated on the latest information about COVID-19
- Should symptoms develop, alert your supervisor immediately, weak a mask, seek medical treatment and avoid contact with others
All workplaces must carry out the following actions:
- Regularly disinfect the office and office equipment.
- Implement required sanitisation at the office entrances
- Easy access to regular handwashing for employees
- Maintain toilet facilities and floor drains
- Regular disposal of rubbish
- Adequate liquid soap and disposable towel supplies
- Implement contingency measures in anticipation of staff shortage
- Implement alternate communication measures in place of in-person meetings
- Ensure precautionary measures are taken during indoor events
Outdoor exercises are allowed provided they are carried out in small groups with a maximum of 10 people. Social distancing measures must be observed during this time. Places of worship and religious activities are still banned. This includes Friday prayers and prayers relating to Ramadan. Interstate travel to celebrate Eid-al-Fitr is not permitted. The only exception for interstate travel is for those who need to do so for work purposes. Educational institutions and schools will still be closed.
The SOP is going to be the new norm in how business and daily life is conducted in Malaysia. This new approach by the government is a whole society approach. This SOP procedures to resuming work in Malaysia is crucial in making sure the economic reopening goes smoothly, safely and effectively. Everyone is responsible for himself/herself and his/her family. The local community is responsible in making sure that their neighbours are safe and well. Employers are responsible for the wellbeing of their employees by following the SOP and guidelines.
In the event of a spike in the outbreak, another Movement Control Order (MCO) might be announced. This will affect the reopening efforts for the economy. The reopening of the economy will be done in stages based on sectors. Failure to comply with the SOPs can lead to legal action.
The Government, with the help of the Ministry of Health, police and other government bodies, will be monitoring businesses to ensure SOPs are complied with. Businesses can contact the relevant government authorities for the latest updates.
The government is also urging the public to monitor each other so the outlined SOP is adhered to. Using the new MySejahtera mobile app, businesses and the public can help the government in making this economic reopening a success. Members of the public can contact the relevant authorities to report any breach of the SOP.
Starting 4 May 2020, even if your company is listed under the sectors allowed to open, you will still be required to declare the following to MITI
- Declare company’s details.
- Agree to abide by the given SOP.
For more information on businesses which are not allowed to resume operation and SOP procedures by industry, please refer to SOP Pelan Pemulihan Negara (PPN).